Latest News

ONDA to support the I.MODI project

We are delighted to announce that Survey Lab has chosen ONDA to support the I.MODI project.
I.MODI (Implemented MOnitoring system for structural DIsplacement) provides an innovative range of Earth Observation services for monitoring long-term ground settlements and support building damage assessment analyses.
It makes use of EO data archives for back-analysis, also in combination with in-situ systems and data from operational EO missions.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
This partnership will help to [...]

ONDA at the JSS-EARSC joint workshop – Kyoto, 1 November 2018

In November 2016, Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems) and the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop synergies and strengthen cooperation between Europe and Japan in the utilisation of Earth Observation products and services.
A workshop was organised jointly by J-spacesystems and EARSC from 29 October to 2 November 2018, in Kyoto, Japan, alongside the GEO Week 2018, where the key stakeholders in Japan and Europe provided up-to-date information on satellite data platforms and [...]

ONDA support to Pronatur, Copernicus Hackathon Organiser

Within the framework of the Copernicus Hackathons initiative, funded by the European Commission, ONDA has been supporting the Civil Association Pronatur, one of the selected Copernicus Hackathon Organisers.
The DanubeHack 2018 event was organised by Pronatur on 6-7 October in Bratislava, Slovakia.
It aimed to promote the potential of the Copernicus Earth Observation data and services, addressing in particulars communities in the Central Europe region.
The Hackathon brought together developers, entrepreneurs, topic-specific experts as well interested enthusiasts in order to develop new [...]

DIAS Info Day at NSO

A DIAS Info Day has been organised on 19 October in The Hague by the Netherlands Space Office.
ONDA will attend with a presentation of our platform to the Dutch stakeholders followed by a Questions & Anwers session. A live demo of our solutions is also planned, where we will show how to access our services, as well as the first results by the ONDA users.

ONDA to participate at OVH Summit 2018, 18 October 2018 in Paris

We are happy to announce that on Thursday 18 October we will attend the OVH Summit Paris, where ONDA’s cloud provider will present their strategic vision and solutions. Conferences and labs dedicated to innovation and networking, a startup village and live demos will attract more than 6.000 visitors, who will be able to share best practices and meet the OVH experts team.
The official presentation of the ONDA DIAS at the dedicated workshop in the afternoon will be introduced by [...]

Esri-ONDA Partnership

Serco Italia has selected Esri to enlarge the ONDA DIAS services offering to the users.
Esri is a technology provider for massive Earth Observation data management and on-demand processing, helping ONDA to unlock the potential of geospatial imagery.
More details to follow soon.

Learn more: Esri website


About ONDA online Help

Use the links under the Help section of our web portal navigation menu to find the best help information for your needs.

For both general and specific questions, visit our online FAQs page which now features an improved browsing experience.
Questions are conveniently organised by categories with noticeable headlines at the top of the page, so you can easily jump to the section you are looking for.
Where possible, you can use the links in the Answers to directly open the web [...]

ONDA: a multilingual web portal

The ONDA web portal - already available in Italian, German and Spanish besides English - has now been upgraded to include the French version as well.
Our multilingual content is an added benefit for all audiences who now have an easier and more direct access to comprehensive descriptions of the data and services available through our DIAS.
Select the flag from the header bar and enjoy the navigation through our Home and the Data, Services and About sections in your language!

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Don’t miss it, the first issue will be coming out soon!