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Serco and OVHcloud announce key partnership in space imagery and Artificial Intelligence

OVHcloud and Serco Europe, a space industry leader with over 40 years’ experience in supporting the space sector, are consolidating their long-standing partnership to create an innovative European project which will use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the exploitation of satellite images.
The rapid growth of the space economy has been led by the growing number of satellites sent into orbit, and the increased performance of the onboard sensors in acquiring information.  The result has been that an increasing amount [...]

Copernicus Sentinel Data Access Annual Report Y2020

We are pleased to inform you that the sixth Copernicus Sentinel Data Access Annual Report for 2020 has been published.
The report, prepared by the Serco SpA-led consortium with the contribution of partners GAEL, NOA and GRNET, analyses the uptake of Copernicus Sentinel data and the performance of the Sentinel Data Access System during the period 1 December 2019 to 30 November 2020.
By the end of the reporting period, the Sentinel Data Access System was supporting over 380,000 registered users, [...]

Copernicus Sentinels Data Access Benchmarking report for ONDA

We are happy to share the public results of the Copernicus Sentinels Data Access Worldwide Benchmarking report relating to the ONDA DIAS.
The project, under an assignment from the European Space Agency funded by the European Union in the frame of the Copernicus Programme, aims at establishing a reference frame to assess Sentinels data accessibility performances.
We wish to thank ESA and the industrial consortium in charge of producing the report.

Benchmark Report for ONDA

New ONDA services in 2022 

We are pleased to inform our users that ONDA has included in its service portfolio the OVHcloud solution offering AI as a Service solutions.
The new commercial service will be promoted during the forthcoming OVHcloud-ONDA Hackathon – which will take place as part of the ESA Φ-Week on 11-15 October 2021 – and the official launch will be in December with early adopters. The service will then be accessible in early 2022.
This service integration represents the ONDA team commitment to keep enlarging the [...]

OVHcloud-ONDA Hackatho2n during ESA Φ-Week

Our Cloud provider OVHcloud and ONDA are pleased to launch the jointly organised virtual Hackatho2n, which will take place as part of the ESA Φ-Week on 11-15 October 2021.

Who can apply?
We aim to engage start-ups, students and researchers to propose innovative solutions based on the big data concept (continuous flow of data, automation processing) that have an impact on the New Space Economy.
It is envisaged that applying participants already have skills relevant to software development, e.g.: computer programmers, graphic [...]

ONDA CLEOPE use cases

CLEOPE (CLoud Earth Observation Processing Environment) is the ONDA service dedicated to Earth observation products discovery, manipulation and visualisation via interactive Jupyter Notebooks, supported by Python 3 kernel language.
CLEOPE offers a collection of pre-installed libraries and template notebooks to guide users in performing a series of operations on the Copernicus products available in the ONDA Catalogue.
In particular, users are able to perform basic operations of data processing using the mission specific tutorials.
Some examples of data processing using these CLEOPE templates, and their [...]

ONDA at the Big Data from Space 2021 Conference 

ONDA will participate in the Big Data from Space 2021 online Conference, taking place on 18-20 May 2021.
The BiDS 2021 Conference is co-organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), and is supported by the Romanian Space Agency (ROSA).
The major European actors in the fields of Space and data technologies will attend the event, with the objective of exploring and expanding the new paradigms [...]

ONDA contributing to Agricolus success story

Our user Agricolus and the ONDA platform are mentioned in the CEF Context Broker Success Stories.
The Context Broker is a digital platform component enabling the integration of gathered data and is part of Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme of the European Union supporting farms and agricoltural operators by helping developing solutions for Smart Agricolture.
Agricolus is an innovative startup that has developed a Farm Management System platform composed of several applications: forecast models, smart pest and diseases control, remote sensing, and more.
ONDA is [...]

ONDA presented at the “Italy-Japan Space Cooperation for Emerging Global Challenges” workshop

The ONDA platform was presented on 14 April during the “Italy-Japan Space Cooperation for Emerging Global Challenges” B2B Workshop, organised by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Tokyo and the Italian Trade Agency (ICE) and in partnership with the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and the three Industrial Associations (AIAD, AIPAS and ASAS).
The event had the aim to showcase the expertise developed by the Italian space industry and to promote the [...]

EOPEN on ONDA Showcase

The EOPEN (opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data) project, successfully ended in October 2020, exploits ONDA for Sentinel data access and, more generally, it provides a platform to develop and deliver EO data rich services removing the need and cost to create and maintain an infrastructure for systematically processing user defined workflows.
More details on the EOPEN project and all relevant links have now been published on the ONDA Showcase.

Learn more:

EOPEN on ONDA Showcase