Search Knowledge Base by Keyword


Search queries on the Catalogue can be performed by entering a text query in the full-text search bar or via the OData API.

Copernicus services

The text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:


Copernicus Land products

The text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:

land AND NOT S3*

In this way, all and only the Copernicus Land products will be returned.
Please note that, by default, the value inserted in the search bar is looked for in all the product fields. So, for example, land* eturns all the find Copernicus Land products and also all the products with the “land” metadata value (i.e. some Sentinel-3 products).

Via OData API, the query syntax is:$search=”copernicus-land”

Copernicus Marine products

The text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:

marine AND NOT S3*

Via OData API, the query syntax is:$search=”copernicus-marine”

Landsat-8 products

The text query to be typed in the full-text search is:


Via OData API, the query syntax is:$search=”LC08*”

Envisat products

The text query to be typed in the full-text search is:


Another search query, based on the index “platformName”, is:


Via OData API, the queries are:$search=”EN1*”$search=”platformName:Envisat”

Specific text

1.  If you wish to search for a specific text included in the product name, the text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:


In this way, all products with the specific text in the name will be returned.

Via OData API, the query syntax is:$search=”name:*text*”
2.  If you wish to search for a specific text included in the product metadata, the text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:

In this way, all products with the specific text in their metadata will be returned.

Via OData API, the query syntax is:$search=”*text*”