Auteur - diaswpadmin

Deimos Imaging joins Serco in improving the ONDA Data Relay Service

We are pleased to announce that Deimos Imaging is partnering with Serco to support our efforts in enriching and optimising the new ONDA Data Relay Service.
Deimos Imaging, a fully-owned subsidiary of UrtheCast Corp., is a Spanish commercial entity specialising in the operation and commercial exploitation of Earth Observation systems, and in the development, generation and delivery of Remote Sensing products. Deimos Imaging fully owns and operates the DEIMOS-1 and DEIMOS-2 satellites, by managing all uplink and downlink activities, as [...]

ONDA Data Relay Service

The new ONDA Data Relay Service, active since mid-August, allows users to request Very High Resolution (VHR) satellite imagery of both SAR and Optical multi-resolution acquisitions.
Our users are now able to order both Archive and New Acquisition satellite images over specific study areas as well as to trigger satellite monitoring services over features of interest at a desired frequency.
For the purpose of the new service, ONDA has partnered with SI Imaging Services for the dissemination of the KOMPSAT series, [...]

Update on the ONDA Cloud Archive

Further to our recent news regarding the move of some ONDA public datasets to the ONDA Cloud Archive, please be informed that the move is currently ongoing.
The affected datasets are:

Sentinel-1 (except for SLC)

The archiving period for each dataset is published and updated on the relevant Data pages.
For any further clarification, please Contact Us.
Read more:

ONDA Cloud Archive
Catalogue – Tutorial
Catalogue Open Data Protocol (OData API) – User Guide

ONDA Newsletter – July

The latest issue of the ONDA newsletter is out.

Read our July 2019 Newsletter
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SI Imaging Services (SIIS) partnership for the new ONDA Data Relay Service

ONDA is pleased to announce a new partnership with SI Imaging Services (SIIS), leading Earth Observation data provider, for the dissemination of very high resolution Optical and SAR images.
SIIS is the exclusive worldwide marketing and sales representative of the KOMPSAT series: KOMPSAT-2, KOMPSAT-3, KOMPSAT-3A and KOMPSAT-5. A significant up-to-40 cm imagery source that is supporting diverse users in several Remote Sensing applications, such as mapping, agriculture, disaster management and more.
This new partnership marks the beginning of the new ONDA [...]

ONDA Cloud Archive

We wish to inform our users that a subset of the oldest ONDA public datasets currently available on the ONDA Object Storage will gradually be moved on the ONDA Archive service based on OVH Cloud Archive technology.
What is the Cloud Archive?
The Cloud Archive is a secure and reliable storage solution offered by OVH, supporting the archiving of large amount of data that remain easily accessible by the users.
What changes for users?
The impact on ONDA users will be limited: products [...]

Our new Sentinel Planned Acquisition View service

The Sentinel Planned Acquisition View is a free ONDA tool allowing users to visualise tracks and planned acquisitions for Sentinel-1 over a world map.
Users are able to perform queries either on the global map or for a specific area and also to download the query results.

Sentinel Planned Acquisition View – Tutorial
Open the Sentinel Planned Acquisition View

ONDA Newsletter – June

The latest issue of the ONDA newsletter is out.

Read our June 2019 Newsletter
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New Remote Desktop interface

An easy-to-use Remote Desktop graphical interface is now available for users of the ONDA Virtual Servers.
The customised template also includes a variety of pre-installed open-source software tools, e.g. SNAP, QGIS, R, etc. You can find the full list on our Tools page.
In order to use our new template:

Choose a Virtual Server with a minimum storage of 200 GB (view our Virtual Servers available solutions)
Select Remote Desktop from the list of our Customised ONDA templates
Follow the “Remote Desktop template - [...]

New release of the ONDA Catalogue, now supporting semantic searches

We have released a new version of the Catalogue, which also supports Semantic Searches: users are now able to perform complex geographical searches from the Catalogue Advanced Search form.
Search the Catalogue: example

Click on the Advanced Search icon
Enter your text query under the newly added Place field – e.g. glaciers in Italy
Select the mission – e.g Sentinel-2 – and any other applicable search criteria
Click the Search button
Visualise the results on the Catalogue map

About the ONDA Catalogue
From the Catalogue, you can [...]