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CAMS now on ONDA

Data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) are now available from the ONDA Catalogue.
CAMS provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world.

Copernicus Information on ONDA
ONDA Catalogue

The WASDI application is fully operational

Further to our recent news release ACROTEC Foundation keeps working with ONDA, we are pleased to inform you that the WASDI service is now fully operational and it has been integrated with 2 processors of CIMA, one of the centres of competence of the Italian Civil Protection Department.
WASDI is the “Web Advanced Space Developer Interface” allowing users to search satellite data, visualise them on line, run algorithms, and display and evaluate the results.
Learn more:

CIMA Research Foundation
FadeOut Software

Sentinel-3 Synergy products now available

The Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B Synergy products are now being published on the ONDA Catalogue.
Based on the combination of SLSTR and OLCI products, the SYN products’ primary objective is the monitoring of land use, but they also provide information relating to worldwide food security and to climate studies.
Learn more:

ONDA Catalogue
Sentinel-3 Synergy on Sentinel Online

The ESB Global Mapping application, developed on ONDA

The Earth Starts Beating Global Mapping application has been developed on the ONDA platform and is available from our Marketplace.
It provides the interactive visualization of global time series of Sentinel-3 data about the variation on the ground of geophysical quantities linked to the health of our Planet – e.g. the chlorophyll content in vegetation, the amount of water vapour, etc.
Check on ESB the full list of the available land maps.
The global mosaics (Level 3) are generated by processing the [...]

SLSTR Sentinel-3 products for Land now available

We are pleased to announce that the publication of SLSTR Sentinel-3A and -3B products for the Land application domain has started.
All new data are now being published systematically on our Catalogue, and the historical datasets will be gradually made available.
Learn more:

ONDA Catalogue

ONDA sponsors the FOSS4G 2019 EO Data Challenge

As part of the FOSS4G 2019 Conference taking place in Bucharest on 26-30 August 2019, the EO data challenge is intended to attract the best ideas on using open source software and open data to produce useful solutions for EO data management and processing.
ONDA is happy to sponsor the competition by providing the Virtual Infrastructure and support during the challenge and also by contributing to one of the available prizes with a free access package to our Services.
The call [...]

ONDA for the S2IGI project

S2IGI (Sistema Satellitare Integrato per la Gestione Incendi) is an Integrated Satellite System for the Management of Fires, financed by Sardinia Region and developed by Nurjana Technologies, CNR-IBIMET and the Aerospace Engineering School of the Sapienza University of Rome (SIA).
S2IGI aims to contribute to the reduction of damages caused by forest fires to the environment and to the economic activities through the development of an informative prototype system that integrates innovative techniques of data elaboration provided from satellite technology - prioritising [...]

ONDA for the Copernicus Start-up Programme

ONDA actively supports initiatives such as the Copernicus Accelerator and the Hackathons – both part of the Copernicus Start-up Programme of the European Commission’s DG Growth – which foster innovation, the development of new Earth observation (EO) applications and ultimately economic growth.

The Copernicus Accelerator offers a business development scheme for 50 start-ups and entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that involve the use Copernicus data or services.
ONDA is participating to the DIAS Voucher Scheme, allowing the Mentees access to our Services for the [...]