Auteur - diaswpadmin

ONDA supports users monitoring COVID-19 impact

In the context of the EU Space response to Coronavirus, ONDA and its Partners are pleased to support organizations interested in developing analyses that can help public authorities and citizens to tackle the COVID-19 emergency we are all facing.
To this end, ONDA and its market leading Cloud provider OVHcloud will make available additional free computing resources to empower the existing Free Trial Access programme, which includes free access to cloud resources equipped with a graphical Remote Desktop interface and [...]

OpenStack API Update postponed

With reference to our recent operational news on the planned OpenStack API Update, we wish to inform our users that, due to the current exceptional circumstances and in order to ensure that every user is in the best situation to handle the change, it has been decided to postpone the end of life of the Keystone version 2.0 API.
What do users have to do?
There is no impact on those users already using Keystone version 3.0 API.
For those users currently using [...]

ONDA in support of the MAFIS project by GMATICS

GMATICS is a Rome based start-up that develops and operates systematic geospatial application services exploiting Earth observation data, integrated with other types of information, and using Artificial Intelligence and cloud services.
Within the MAFIS (Multiple Actor Forest Information Service) project – funded by ESA (European Space Agency) through the EOEP-5 initiative –, GMATICS is developing an integrated methodology that combines multi-temporal Earth observation satellite data as well as weather satellite data within a forest growth model.
MAFIS’ aim is to provide [...]

OpenStack API Update

In order to offer the very latest features of our Public Cloud solution, we will need to update the ONDA OpenStack API used to order a key component: Keystone.
Keystone is the authentication and authorisation API that manages the ONDA Public Cloud infrastructure.
Please note that this only applies to users having direct access to the ONDA OpenStack API for the management of Virtual Resources and storage solutions.
When will the update take place?
On 24 March 2020 (postponed), we will disable version [...]

New partnership with Maxar Technologies

In the framework of our Data Relay Service, and with the objective to constantly expand the ONDA platform, we are delighted to announce our new partnership with Maxar Technologies,  a trusted partner and innovator in Earth intelligence and space infrastructure, for the provision of the highest resolution, electro-optical satellite imagery commercially available (up to 30 cm).
Maxar is a leading global provider of advanced space-based technology solutions including Earth imagery, machine learning and analytics, satellites and spacecraft infrastructure.
Thanks to this [...]


ARESYS, Advanced Remote Sensing Systems, is a Politecnico di Milano spin-off company, operating since 2003 in the field of digital signal processing with particular focus on remote sensing and geophysics.
ARESYS offers ad-hoc innovative solutions to space-borne, air-borne and ground-based remote sensing problems, exploiting the state of the art technologies and the last academic research achievements in the field.
In particular, one core expertise of the company is the processing of Earth observation SAR data, and the development of value-added solutions.
In [...]

Planned update on ONDA Cloud Archive

In our constant effort to increase the volume of ONDA datasets stored on our infrastructure, we regularly review user access to data products.
As a result of our analysis, we wish to inform you that, in addition to the datasets currently stored on the ONDA Cloud Archive (Sentinel-1 / -2 / -3 products older than 3 months, except for Sentinel-1 SLC data), starting from 20 February 2020 we will be moving a subset of the Sentinel-1 SLC products into the Cloud [...]

ONDA has been awarded the new CNR-IREA public tender for the provision of DIAS infrastructure

ONDA has signed a new one-year contract with CNR-IREA – the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy – following a public Invitation to Tender open to all DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) providers, for the provision of Cloud Computing resources in support of a very large surface deformation analysis over Europe.
The ONDA solution, tailored on the customer’s needs, includes the procurement of five Virtual Servers with relevant storage volumes and [...]

GeoCodis project now on our Showcase

GeoCodis is a small company based in Slovenia and focused on the development of geoinformatics, remote sensing and related software products for various end customers.
Under the financing resources of the ESA PECS (Plan for European Cooperating States) programme, they developed a project called Customised Earth Observation-based Information Services (CEOIS), with the objective of producing specific Earth observation information layers that can assist the Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST) of the World Bank (WB).
In particular, one of the project outcomes [...]

Unscheduled downtime

The ONDA services experienced an unscheduled downtime on 28 January 2020 from 10:15 to 11:45 CET.
During this period, users connected to the ONDA web portal, the Catalogue or the Advanced API (ENS) might have experienced issues.
All services have now resumed and are back to nominal operation.
We apologise for the inconvenience that this may have caused to your activities.