
Dismissal of legacy User Portal

Further to the launch of the new ONDA User Portal last 24 September, as already communicated the legacy User Portal is being dismissed today, 24 November 2020.
As from now, users will therefore only be able to access our new User Portal:

if you have already created an account, please Login to the new User Portal using the same credentials as the legacy User Portal
if you are a new user, please Register

Please Contact Us if you should need further support.

ONDA for the H2020 CALLISTO project

We are proud to announce that ONDA will be employed in the context of the H2020 Project CALLISTO, for which the Grant Agreement was recently signed by the European Commission.
The CALLISTO project – Copernicus Artificial Intelligence (AI) Services and data fusion with other distributed data sources and processing at the edge to support DIAS and HPC infrastructures –, led by Serco Italia, responds to the H2020-SPACE-2020 call on the “Big data technologies and Artificial Intelligence for Copernicus” topic.
Driven by [...]

Results of project developed by CNR-IREA using the ONDA platform published on renowned journal

A public paper on the surface deformation analysis project developed by CNR-IREA – the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy – has been published on the peer-reviewed open access journal Remote Sensing.
The article presents an advanced processing pipeline for the generation of continental scale differential synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) deformation time series.
The solution is based on the parallel small baseline subset (P-SBAS) approach and on the joint exploitation of Sentinel-1 [...]

ONDA at the ESA EO Φ-WEEK 2020

This year’s ESA EO Φ-WEEK digital event (28 September – 02 October 2020) focuses on innovation in Earth Observation, and showcases the latest achievements in Earth Observation science, technology and applications.
ONDA is proud to participate in the Digital Twin Earth discussion by bringing our DIAS experience and contribution in a dedicated session on 30 September between 11:30-13:30 CEST.
More information and link to attend the live event here.

Launch of our New User Portal

As part of our continuous effort to provide our users with the best possible service, ONDA is pleased to announce the launch of our New User Portal.
The new platform will improve the service we offer to our customers by increasing usability and ease of access to information.
Access to the ONDA User Portal is available on all pages of the ONDA Web Portal through the LOGIN link.
Users need to register on the ONDA User portal in order to:

Download products from [...]

ONDA User Portal Maintenance

Maintenance activities are scheduled on Thursday 24 September 2020 from 10:00 until 14:00 CEST.
During this maintenance window, the following functions may be unavailable from time to time:

Download and Order from the ONDA Catalogue
Login and Register to the ONDA User Portal

Users who have bought Cloud resources can access them nominally.

ONDA for Copernicus Hackathon Málaga

The Copernicus Hackathon Málaga, taking place virtually from 18 September to 2 October, focuses on developing solutions that make use of Copernicus data for a series of themes linked to green cities, tourism sustainability, the economy of the Mediterranean region and tackling COVID-19.
We are proud to be part of this initiative by providing our support with:

the provision of ONDA Virtual Machines to the participants and organisers, with direct access to our multi-petabyte data Catalogue
a webinar introducing the ONDA platform
scientific [...]

In support of the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020

The Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020 is looking for individuals and start-ups who want to develop a prototype that tackles COVID-19 using Earth observation data and services.
ONDA is very happy to support this event by providing:

Virtual Machines for all participating teams
Scientific and troubleshooting support during the Hackathon
Free access to a standard package of ONDA services for the winning team

The virtual 5-day Hackathon will take place on 21-25 September, and the final event will be on 28 September.

ONDA is now an official Network of Resources (NoR) Service Provider

We are pleased to announce that ONDA DIAS has been selected, through the ESA tender process, to become part of the NoR Services offer: our ONDA services for the provision of Data, Cloud Computing Resources, and Additional Services, including the possibility for users to request very high-resolution data, are now listed on the NoR Portal.
The Network of Resources (NoR) is an ESA initiative which intends to incentivise contributions to a common framework and harmonise service offerings to users. Combining [...]

ONDA supporting Copernicus Hackathon Sweden 2020

As part of the ONDA sponsorship activities, we are supporting the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon Sweden 2020, where participants are invited to develop innovative solutions using Copernicus Earth Observation data and services to solve challenges related to Climate Change, Life on Land and COVID-19.
ONDA will be providing:

2 pre-Hackathon webinars introducing ONDA and demonstrating how to process Copernicus data on the ONDA platform for Water Body & Water Quality Mapping and for Urban Area Mapping
Virtual Machines for all participants for a month, equipped with Remote Desktop and [...]