Latest News

New partnership with Maxar Technologies

In the framework of our Data Relay Service, and with the objective to constantly expand the ONDA platform, we are delighted to announce our new partnership with Maxar Technologies,  a trusted partner and innovator in Earth intelligence and space infrastructure, for the provision of the highest resolution, electro-optical satellite imagery commercially available (up to 30 cm).
Maxar is a leading global provider of advanced space-based technology solutions including Earth imagery, machine learning and analytics, satellites and spacecraft infrastructure.
Thanks to this [...]


ARESYS, Advanced Remote Sensing Systems, is a Politecnico di Milano spin-off company, operating since 2003 in the field of digital signal processing with particular focus on remote sensing and geophysics.
ARESYS offers ad-hoc innovative solutions to space-borne, air-borne and ground-based remote sensing problems, exploiting the state of the art technologies and the last academic research achievements in the field.
In particular, one core expertise of the company is the processing of Earth observation SAR data, and the development of value-added solutions.
In [...]

ONDA has been awarded the new CNR-IREA public tender for the provision of DIAS infrastructure

ONDA has signed a new one-year contract with CNR-IREA – the Institute for Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment (IREA) of the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy – following a public Invitation to Tender open to all DIAS (Data and Information Access Services) providers, for the provision of Cloud Computing resources in support of a very large surface deformation analysis over Europe.
The ONDA solution, tailored on the customer’s needs, includes the procurement of five Virtual Servers with relevant storage volumes and [...]

GeoCodis project now on our Showcase

GeoCodis is a small company based in Slovenia and focused on the development of geoinformatics, remote sensing and related software products for various end customers.
Under the financing resources of the ESA PECS (Plan for European Cooperating States) programme, they developed a project called Customised Earth Observation-based Information Services (CEOIS), with the objective of producing specific Earth observation information layers that can assist the Geospatial Operations Support Team (GOST) of the World Bank (WB).
In particular, one of the project outcomes [...]

ONDA supporting Vicenza Copernicus Hackathon

Within the context of the ONDA sponsorship activities, we are supporting the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon on Space Economy, which will take place in Vicenza, Italy, on 15-16 February.
This Hackathon, organised by Confartigianato Vicenza Digital Innovation Hub, includes four macro areas: Transport and Sustainable Mobility, Machine Learning & AI, Cyber Security, Environmental Protection & Climate Change.
Our involvement in the initiative includes:

an on-site introductory session on our platform at the Cà Foscari University in Venice, already provided in December 2019
a live [...]

Announcing new “ONDA for Education” service

We are very happy to launch our new ONDA for Education service.
ONDA for Education is a new initiative dedicated to universities and communities of users interested in learning about the Remote Sensing technology and its capabilities.
The main objectives of ONDA for Education are to:

Provide teachers with real cases to complement their lectures
Demonstrate how the ONDA infrastructure is used to process Copernicus Sentinel data
Respond to technical and societal challenges using free open source SW

Our users are able to choose amongst [...]

A case study: Agricolus using ONDA

Agricolus is an innovative startup with vast experience in developing applications for farm management.
After having tested the ONDA Cloud infrastructure during last summer, Agricolus has taken the decision to use our Virtual Servers for one of the key features of their Farm Management System platform, which is composed of several applications: forecast models, Decision Support System, smart pest and diseases control, remote sensing.
“Remote sensing is one of the pillars of the Agricolus platform”, said Paolo Possanzini, CTO at Agricolus. “This [...]

ONDA will be at the forthcoming European Space Week 2019 in Helsinki from 3-5 December 2019.

The EU Space Week is the leading event for the European space programmes, bringing together business, policy-makers, international experts and the space application user community.

On Tuesday 3 December, we will participate in the General Assembly of Copernicus Relay & Academy Network with a Workshop session and two Meet the Experts slots (at 12:00 and at 17:15), where participants will be able to meet us, interact and ask questions.
We are also sponsoring the Galileo & Copernicus Innovation Challenge Hackathon, hosted [...]

ONDA infrastructure used for Cloud Computing training in Africa

From 11 to 15 November a Cloud Computing training event was organised in Morocco by ESA with the African Union Commission and in partnership with JRC and Eumetsat.
Some 35 representatives of national space agencies and regional organizations from 25 different African countries were taught how to access and process Copernicus data exploiting a DIAS platform.
The hands-on exercises were run with ONDA Virtual Machines and by the end of the event the participants expressed a high degree of satisfaction for [...]

Sponsoring the “HACK4SEA” Copernicus Hackathon

As part of our sponsorship programme, and further to our previous similar experiences, we are sponsoring the forthcoming HACK4SEA Copernicus Hackathon, which will take place near Rome on 16-17 November.
Copernicus Hackathons are intense events where teams work on developing prototypes of new applications using the open data from the Copernicus programme.
The HACK4SEA event in particular will focus on the monitoring and protection of the Lazio region’s coastline and sea.
ONDA is happy to provide the cloud infrastructure as well as [...]