Latest News

New applications by our Third Party Users now accessible

Two new applications developed on the ONDA platform are now accessible on our Marketplace:

Sentinel Vision is a platform designed by VisioTerra to produce “Sentinel stories” that use near real-time & archive Sentinel data and are regularly published in a thematic gallery.

The ESA Sentinel-3 World Fires Atlas Prototype product, developed by the European Space Agency over the southern countries of the ESA member states, uses both Fire channels of the Sentinel-3 SLSTR sensors.

Learn more:

Sentinel Vision on ONDA Marketplace
Sentinel Vision gallery [...]

Harris application on our Marketplace

New addition to the ONDA Marketplace: the Harris Geospatial Solutions application on Demystifying SAR data processing is now available from our Marketplace.
The application serves as an example to show how connecting the ONDA platform to the Harris analytics enables the creation of complex processing chains to extract meaningful information and maps.
This information can then inform domain specific decision making or can be further exploited in subsequent processing chains.
A video tutorial is also available, showing in detail the application usage.
Learn [...]

I.MODI on ONDA Marketplace

A link to the I.MODI (Implemented MOnitoring system for structural DIsplacement) project is now available on the ONDA Marketplace, the section of our web portal where users are able to advertise their own services developed on the ONDA platform.
I.MODI provides Earth observation services for building damage assessment analyses, making use of SAR data archives for back analysis in combination with in-situ data.
The project has been developed on ONDA by Survey Lab, a spinoff of Sapienza University of Rome, who in [...]

ONDA at the Living Planet Symposium 2019

We are pleased to be present at the Living Planet Symposium 2019, which will take place in Milan from 13 to 17 May.
Come and visit the ONDA team at the Serco stand: we will be answering your questions and presenting demos of our platform.

Sentinel-3 World Fires Atlas Prototype on ONDA

The Sentinel-3 World Fires Atlas Prototype product has been developed by the European Space Agency to provide continuity to the ESA ATSR World Fire Atlas, which produced monthly global fire maps from 1995 to 2012 using the Along Track Scanning Radiometers on-board ERS-2 and then ENVISAT.
The new prototype uses Sentinel-3 SLSTR data, which are processed with the ESA SNAP and GDAL tools on the ONDA platform.
The S3 World Fires Atlas will also soon be available on our ONDA Marketplace.
Learn more:

Access [...]

Support to forthcoming Copernicus Hackathons

The Copernicus Hackathon Programme, financed by the European Commission, brings together developers and designers, entrepreneurs and domain experts to develop new applications based on Copernicus Earth observation data and services.
ONDA is supporting 2 of the upcoming events:

for the Galway, Ireland Hackathon on 10-12 May , organised by Public Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC), we provide Virtual Servers and technical support for the participants as well as pre-hackathon webinars on our platform

⇒ More info on Copernicus Hackathon Ireland
⇒ Register [...]

A case study: the FAROS project on ONDA

IPTSAT and Lazio Connect (a Copernicus Relay contributing to spreading awareness and knowledge about Copernicus across and outside the EU) had a first opportunity to test the ONDA Virtual Servers during the Copernicus Hackathon focused on Sustainable Development Goals which took place in Villorba, Italy, on 5-7 October 2018.
IPTSAT then had a further chance to assess the ONDA platform in the frame of our Free Trial Access programme.
They therefore decided to transfer their application permanently on the ONDA Virtual [...]

The WASDI application is fully operational

Further to our recent news release ACROTEC Foundation keeps working with ONDA, we are pleased to inform you that the WASDI service is now fully operational and it has been integrated with 2 processors of CIMA, one of the centres of competence of the Italian Civil Protection Department.
WASDI is the “Web Advanced Space Developer Interface” allowing users to search satellite data, visualise them on line, run algorithms, and display and evaluate the results.
Learn more:

CIMA Research Foundation
FadeOut Software

The ESB Global Mapping application, developed on ONDA

The Earth Starts Beating Global Mapping application has been developed on the ONDA platform and is available from our Marketplace.
It provides the interactive visualization of global time series of Sentinel-3 data about the variation on the ground of geophysical quantities linked to the health of our Planet – e.g. the chlorophyll content in vegetation, the amount of water vapour, etc.
Check on ESB the full list of the available land maps.
The global mosaics (Level 3) are generated by processing the [...]