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ONDA sponsors the FOSS4G 2019 EO Data Challenge

As part of the FOSS4G 2019 Conference taking place in Bucharest on 26-30 August 2019, the EO data challenge is intended to attract the best ideas on using open source software and open data to produce useful solutions for EO data management and processing.
ONDA is happy to sponsor the competition by providing the Virtual Infrastructure and support during the challenge and also by contributing to one of the available prizes with a free access package to our Services.
The call [...]

ONDA for the S2IGI project

S2IGI (Sistema Satellitare Integrato per la Gestione Incendi) is an Integrated Satellite System for the Management of Fires, financed by Sardinia Region and developed by Nurjana Technologies, CNR-IBIMET and the Aerospace Engineering School of the Sapienza University of Rome (SIA).
S2IGI aims to contribute to the reduction of damages caused by forest fires to the environment and to the economic activities through the development of an informative prototype system that integrates innovative techniques of data elaboration provided from satellite technology - prioritising [...]

ACROTEC Foundation keeps working with ONDA

Having been one of the first ONDA Early Adopters, ACROTEC has now chosen to continue using the ONDA services for the evolution of their WASDI project.
The WASDI (Web Advanced Space Developer Interface) application, currently accessible on the ONDA Marketplace, is the result of an ESA project within the General Support Technology Programme (GSTP).
The platform is developed by ACROTEC Technology Foundation (controlled by CIMA Research Foundation) together with FadeOut Software.
The project aims at developing an infrastructure allowing experts and end-users [...]

EOPEN Project at BiDS’19

The EOPEN project, funded within the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme, was presented at the 2019 Conference on Big Data from Space, taking place in Munich from 19 to 21 February.
The objective of EOPEN is to provide a platform - targeted at non-expert Earth Observation data users as well as experts and the SME community - that makes Copernicus data and services easy to use for Big Data applications.
In order to fuse data from diverse sources and manage a [...]

ONDA supporting the EDAP project

We have the pleasure to announce that ONDA has been selected by Telespazio Vega UK to support the ESA Earthnet Data Assessment Pilot Project (EDAP). The main objective of this project is to perform early data quality assessment of existing or future Earth Observation missions from national or commercial providers.
In addition to providing a central place for all mission data to be securely managed and quality assessed, the Serco-led ONDA DIAS Service also provides a natural interface point for [...]

ONDA Free Trial Access

The ONDA Free Trial Access is the evolution of our Early Adopter Programme, which was set up to collect feedback from early users of our Services: you can view the first results on our Marketplace section.
Participants to our Free Trial are able get free access to our standard package of Services for a period of up to 3 months.
Please Contact Us if you are interested in applying for our Free Trial Access or if you just wish more [...]

ONDA at the Φ-week

ONDA will be attending the ESA Earth Observation Φ-week in ESRIN, Frascati, from 12 to 16 November 2018.
The event’s focus is on the latest trends and innovations in EO Open Science, which will affect future Earth Observation missions and services.
We will be present with an exhibition desk and will also provide 2 showcase sessions.

ONDA to support the I.MODI project

We are delighted to announce that Survey Lab has chosen ONDA to support the I.MODI project.
I.MODI (Implemented MOnitoring system for structural DIsplacement) provides an innovative range of Earth Observation services for monitoring long-term ground settlements and support building damage assessment analyses.
It makes use of EO data archives for back-analysis, also in combination with in-situ systems and data from operational EO missions.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
This partnership will help to [...]

ONDA at the JSS-EARSC joint workshop – Kyoto, 1 November 2018

In November 2016, Japan Space Systems (J-spacesystems) and the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to develop synergies and strengthen cooperation between Europe and Japan in the utilisation of Earth Observation products and services.
A workshop was organised jointly by J-spacesystems and EARSC from 29 October to 2 November 2018, in Kyoto, Japan, alongside the GEO Week 2018, where the key stakeholders in Japan and Europe provided up-to-date information on satellite data platforms and [...]