
CAMS now on ONDA

Data from the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) are now available from the ONDA Catalogue.
CAMS provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world.

Copernicus Information on ONDA
ONDA Catalogue

Sentinel-3 Synergy products now available

The Sentinel-3A and Sentinel-3B Synergy products are now being published on the ONDA Catalogue.
Based on the combination of SLSTR and OLCI products, the SYN products’ primary objective is the monitoring of land use, but they also provide information relating to worldwide food security and to climate studies.
Learn more:

ONDA Catalogue
Sentinel-3 Synergy on Sentinel Online

SLSTR Sentinel-3 products for Land now available

We are pleased to announce that the publication of SLSTR Sentinel-3A and -3B products for the Land application domain has started.
All new data are now being published systematically on our Catalogue, and the historical datasets will be gradually made available.
Learn more:

ONDA Catalogue

New release of ONDA Discovery service

A new release of our free Discovery service is now available.
You can use the ONDA Discovery service to:

browse all available data and information
filter the data to display
view the list of datasets on the Catalogue view

The new release includes new filtering functions: please read more about the new Advanced Search features on our Catalogue - Tutorial.