Discover the products over a predefined Area Of Interest (AOI): Geographical Search
It is possible to search products on the basis of a geographical area of interest, e.g. get the list of products over a geographic area delimitated by the polygon having vertices:$search=”footprint:”Intersects(<geographic type>)”” |
The <geographic type> value can be expressed as a polygon according to the syntax described in the following paragraph.
The syntax for the <geographic type> value expressed as a polygon is:
<geographic type> =POLYGON((P1Lon P1Lat, P2Lon P2Lat, …, PnLon PnLat, P1Lon P1Lat)) |
where P1Lon and P1Lat are the Longitude and Latitude coordinates of the first point of the polygon in decimal degrees (DDD) format (e.g. 2.17403, 41.40338) and so on.
The coordinates of the last point of the polygon must coincide with the coordinates of the first point of the polygon.
The polygon describing the geographical area can have a maximum of 200 points that must be within the area defined by (180/85, -180/-85).
Search all products covering the geographic area delimitated by the polygon having vertices: