WQeMS Products on ONDA catalogue – User Guide

The ONDA Catalogue access page includes a search bar, a product list (left side) and the World Map (right side) – the main functionalities are briefly illustrated below.

The Search bar on top of the product list allows full text search of any available product by entering the text in the bar and pressing the Enter / Return key.

For each product in the list, the following details are shown:

  • Name of the product
  • Size of product
  • Creation date (i.e., the publication date of the product in the ONDA Catalogue)


If you move the cursor over any product in the list, some additional buttons are available:


  • Details
    By clicking this button, you can access further details on the selected product on a new page.Click the Close red bar at the bottom to exit the Details page.
  • Layer
    By clicking this button, the map will be focused and zoomed-in over the product footprint.Click the Remove Layers red button at the bottom to exit the Layer details.


  • Download
    You can Download products in zip format. Each WQeMS zip product contains 2 files: 1 xml metadata file + 1 tiff Image file.
    Since the Download service is for users already registered with ONDA, you will be asked for your ONDA User Portal Username and Password to launch the product download. If you are not registered with the ONDA User Portal, click the Login link on the top header of the ONDA Web Portal then click Register.It is possible to download the product by clicking one of the following links:

    • Download Button in the Product List, or
    • Download Button reported in the Details panel, or
    • Download URL reported in the Details panel.

Metadata Search

  1. a. If you wish to search for a specific text included in the product name, the text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:

In this way, all products with the specific text in the name will be returned.

Via OData API, the query syntax is:

  1. b. The same approach can be followed searching for a particular metadatum:

For example:



  1. If you wish to search for specific text included in the product metadata, the text query to be typed in the full-text search field is:

In this way, all products with the specific text in their metadata will be returned.

For example:



  1. If you wish to search for the complete list of metadata of a specific product, identified by its UUID (Universal Unique Identifier), please use the OData API, thanks to the following query syntax:

The UUID of the product is reported in the relevant Details panel.