
In support of the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020

The Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020 is looking for individuals and start-ups who want to develop a prototype that tackles COVID-19 using Earth observation data and services.
ONDA is very happy to support this event by providing:

Virtual Machines for all participating teams
Scientific and troubleshooting support during the Hackathon
Free access to a standard package of ONDA services for the winning team

The virtual 5-day Hackathon will take place on 21-25 September, and the final event will be on 28 September.

ONDA is now an official Network of Resources (NoR) Service Provider

We are pleased to announce that ONDA DIAS has been selected, through the ESA tender process, to become part of the NoR Services offer: our ONDA services for the provision of Data, Cloud Computing Resources, and Additional Services, including the possibility for users to request very high-resolution data, are now listed on the NoR Portal.
The Network of Resources (NoR) is an ESA initiative which intends to incentivise contributions to a common framework and harmonise service offerings to users. Combining [...]

ONDA supporting Copernicus Hackathon Sweden 2020

As part of the ONDA sponsorship activities, we are supporting the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon Sweden 2020, where participants are invited to develop innovative solutions using Copernicus Earth Observation data and services to solve challenges related to Climate Change, Life on Land and COVID-19.
ONDA will be providing:

2 pre-Hackathon webinars introducing ONDA and demonstrating how to process Copernicus data on the ONDA platform for Water Body & Water Quality Mapping and for Urban Area Mapping
Virtual Machines for all participants for a month, equipped with Remote Desktop and [...]

Politecnico di Torino using ONDA for multiple initiatives

The Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA, a non-profit association founded by Politecnico di Torino, have been using ONDA DIAS since the end of 2018. The ONDA platform is being tested as a solution to integrate and improve different ITHACA's operational workflows: ONDA advanced APIs have been used to search, process and publish data, including the creation of datasets for the purpose of automatic extraction of information through Deep Learning algorithms.
This testing phase has laid the foundation for the ongoing discussions on the [...]

ONDA to provide Cloud infrastructure for ESOC FOS systems

We are pleased to announce that, following an open tender issued by ESOC for the “Virtualisation of FOS systems under a ‘DIAS-like’ service” and awarded to Serco Germany, ONDA will be employed as Cloud infrastructure.
The two-year contract aims to prove the feasibility of hosting the FOS (Copernicus Flight Operations Segment) mission data systems and satellite telemetry archives in an external Cloud environment.
The winning proposal is based on a consortium made up by Serco Germany as prime contractor, with Serco [...]

Access to Advanced API (ENS) in Legacy mode only

Further to our previous communication on the Access to Advanced API exclusively in Legacy mode, we confirm that as from today, 16 June 2020, access to products through the Advanced API (ENS - Elastic Node Server) is only available in the “Legacy mode”,  that is accessing data in their original product format.
 The possibility to access to products in the custom ENS format has therefore been disabled.

Instructions on how to access the Advanced API (ENS) filesystem can be found here

For [...]

7SHIELD project using ONDA platform

The 7SHIELD project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, addresses the Safety and Security Standards of Space Systems, ground Segments and Satellite data assets.
The project aims at providing a holistic framework enabling the deployment of innovative services for cyber-physical protection of ground segments, such as e-fences, passive radars and laser technologies, multimedia AI technologies, cyber-attack detection mechanisms and cyber and physical Threat Intelligence.
Dealing with the various aspects of whole lifecycle of [...]

Access to Advanced API exclusively in Legacy mode

We wish to inform our users that as from Thursday 15 June 2020, access to products through the Advanced API (ENS - Elastic Node Server) will only be available in the “Legacy mode”, that is accessing data in their original product format – the possibility to access to products in the custom ENS format will therefore be disabled.
ENS extends traditional File or Object Storages by exposing not only standard Directories and Files but breaking them down further in a logical [...]

New images processed on ONDA showing the effects of the coronavirus lockdown on air quality

Further to our first article on The effects of the coronavirus lockdown on air quality: a comparative analysis of satellite data, more images have been processed on the ONDA platform in order to compare the presence of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the atmosphere before and during the coronavirus lockdown.
Data from Sentinel-5P have been used to map the average distribution of the tropospheric concentration of NO2 from multiple acquisitions during the period 15 March-15 April 2020, and compared to the [...]