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Sponsoring the “HACK4SEA” Copernicus Hackathon
As part of our sponsorship programme, and further to our previous similar experiences, we are sponsoring the forthcoming HACK4SEA Copernicus Hackathon, which will take place near Rome on 16-17...
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ONDA Newsletter – June
The latest issue of the ONDA newsletter is out.
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Politecnico di Torino using ONDA for multiple initiatives
The Politecnico di Torino and ITHACA, a non-profit association founded by Politecnico di Torino, have been using ONDA DIAS since the end of 2018. The ONDA platform is being...
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Launch of the new Managed ONDA Storage (MOST) service
ONDA is launching the new “Managed ONDA Storage (MOST)” service, which allows users to optimize the performance in accessing ONDA data, reduce costs and improve productivity.
This new ONDA service...

The WASDI application is fully operational
Further to our recent news release ACROTEC Foundation keeps working with ONDA, we are pleased to inform you that the WASDI service is now fully operational and it has...
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Launch of new CLEOPE service
We are happy to announce the launch of the new CLEOPE (CLoud Earth Observation Processing Environment) service for our users.
CLEOPE is an interactive web-based platform of EO products discovery,...

ONDA Data Access services closing in December 2024
We would like to inform you that ONDA Data Access services will be discontinued within the end of December 2024. However, it is clarified that the availability of ONDA...
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A case study: the FAROS project on ONDA
IPTSAT and Lazio Connect (a Copernicus Relay contributing to spreading awareness and knowledge about Copernicus across and outside the EU) had a first opportunity to test the ONDA Virtual...
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ONDA at 17th Plinius Conference
ONDA, through Serco Italia, is the main sponsor of the 17th Plinius Conference on Mediterranean Risks, organized in the framework of the EGU (European Geosciences Union) events, and taking place near...
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In support of the forthcoming Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020
The Copernicus Hackathon Vienna 2020 is looking for individuals and start-ups who want to develop a prototype that tackles COVID-19 using Earth observation data and services.
ONDA is very happy...