We are pleased to inform you that the sixth Copernicus Sentinel Data Access Annual Report for 2020 has been published.
The report, prepared by the Serco SpA-led consortium with the...
ONDA will participate in the Big Data from Space 2021 online Conference, taking place on 18-20 May 2021.
The BiDS 2021 Conference is co-organised by the European Space Agency (ESA),...
Within the framework of the Copernicus Hackathons initiative, funded by the European Commission, ONDA has been supporting the Civil Association Pronatur, one of the selected Copernicus Hackathon Organisers.
The DanubeHack...
We would like to inform you that ONDA Data Access services will be discontinued within the end of December 2024. However, it is clarified that the availability of ONDA...
ONDA is pleased to participate in the Industry Track program of the GEO Week 2019, taking place on 4-7 November in Canberra, Australia.
As part of the GEO Week 2019...
Two projects funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, EOPEN and MOSES, have joined forces with ONDA to implement a use case for the purpose...
As part of the FOSS4G 2019 Conference taking place in Bucharest on 26-30 August 2019, the EO data challenge is intended to attract the best ideas on using open...
S2IGI (Sistema Satellitare Integrato per la Gestione Incendi) is an Integrated Satellite System for the Management of Fires, financed by Sardinia Region and developed by Nurjana Technologies, CNR-IBIMET and the Aerospace...
We are happy to share the public results of the new issue of the Copernicus Sentinels Data Access Worldwide Benchmark report related to the ONDA DIAS.
The Copernicus Sentinels Data Access...